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The JOCO VX5 discovers twenty-first century lace in Burano...


I remember so many visits to Venice.  My first when I was still in my twenties.  I went by boat to visit the islands of Murano, Burano and Torcello (of course).  What I remember of Burano that first time is an experience of a very neat, quiet island of colorful houses and LACE.  Women with tables everywhere, especially in the center, with piles of lace, little shawls, caps, and covers for the arm rests of chairs.  It was already the second half of the twentieth century but the lace for sale could have come straight out of Dickens' London.  I was there a few years ago and I don't remember that it had changed all that much.  Perhaps my mind was elsewhere and I didn't really look.

Well, I was there again last week.  The lace of Burano is still lace, but it is not old-fashioned anymore!  

Here is the lace of Burano now...